Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Massacres!

Hello all and welcome to....  SUNDAY MASSACRE!

No I'm not going to kill you, calm down!

Today [aka Sunday]  Is the day when we talk about books that either ARE dying out or books that SHOULD die out.  That being taken, this is completely opinionated [unless statistics are brought in].  On that note, if there is a book [or even something else like a type of art work or music genre] you think is dying or you want to die leave a comment and we'll talk about it in the following Sunday Massacre!

This week we're going to talk about:

Harry Potter

Yes that's right the Potter boy.  Now I'm sure your saying in your head: "wait...Harry's back with the last movie!"

True but Harry Potter is a book that if it didn't have movies would be dying fast and hard.  Now don't get me wrong, it's a well writen book!  Really well written -even i was sort of a fan at one time- but still, it got so much hype that it over enflated.  Eventually it just bursed like an over filled balloon.

Now I'm going to go through the ins and outs of why this was a good book and why it's now dead.

Reasons it was good:
  • Magic had kind of died before Harry Potter came out.
  • The 'love triangle' between Harry, Ron, Hermione [p.s. i love how google can fix the spelling of her name like its a real word]
  • The villin that sticks himself on peoples heads really got things rolling.
  • Teens with magic, what a combination.
  • And many many more that i can't think of or that would make this topic way too long.
Now the reasons it is dying [with no mention of other books]
  • Repition.  The people want something new!
  • Poor quality of the movies -in some cases
  • Media making too big a hype of it.
  • The continuation of the series past the accuall story line [aka the wizard fables]
  • Characters just being thrown in there
  • And others...
Any one disagree?  Anything to add or move?  Leave a comment below about YOUR opion on this matter!

Until next week, we'll see you later at the Sunday Massacre!


  1. Disagree!!!

    I don't think Harry Potter will ever die out. I know children in grade 3 that are just now starting the series and loving it. Next year's grade 3 batch will also read it and so on. True, it may now be slowly going down in popularity, but with which crowd? The older "teens" like me (19) who followed J.K. Rowling from the release of the first book? Maybe. But that doesn't mean its not huge with the younger crowds. In my age group, people don't like to admit they still LOVE the books, ergo it can seem like its dying. But now that "we" are too afraid to admit it (I'm actually not but anyway) the younger crowds are picking up the slack.

    And repetition? Repetition of what? Each book was completely different. Even the characters changed and grew. J.K. Rowling cant help it if there are a million and one knock offs now. I also think the movies were fantastic. No, they weren't exactly like the books, but really, nothing could be like them.

    And, "characters just being thrown in there" ?!?!? I think I'm just going to stop, LOL! I've made my point! I love the books and will reread them till the day I die. When I have children, they will also read the stories and so on.

  2. Haha you bring up a good point. But it is dieing down.

    Not that it's not still popular but that it's dieing though the media and the ratings. Harry Potter will be around for years to come, i have no doubt about that. But it will die down even more in the years to come. As i said, it's a roller coster book, one that keeps going up and down until the ride just brakes.

    Sorry if I upset you with my post!

    P.S. this is my other blog idea so It's still me [SilentxMidnight]
