Saturday, September 26, 2009

We the (Creative) People

Greetings, readers of the Crypt of the Creative blog! I'm Jenna, otherwise known as Novel-Goddess (it's an actual nickname that a friend gave me, not vanity--I promise). I'm one of CotC's mods, and one of the writers of the group. I'll be posting on Tuesdays and Saturdays, so keep an eye out! The rest of the time I can be found over at As the Plot Thickens and The Delusional, so swing by if you've got a chance!

As I am primarily a writer, I do tend to lean more toward that subject than anything else. Although, as I realize some of y'all are *not* writers, I'll try to keep it reigned in. Okay, here we go.

Today I'd like to take a moment to talk about creative people in general. We're the people that see things a different way. The people whose minds lie on a different plane. We're the people that look at something and instead of asking "why?" ask "why not?"

I had a long discussion with my mother about this about a year ago, and she said that she suspects that this is exactly the reason why so many creative people go crazy or grow depressed. Or, y'know, cut off their ears. Et cetera.

Her theory is that because we see things differently, we are able to see what is truly wrong with the world and it frustrates us. I guess that's true--I see things all the time that just don't make sense, or I know in my heart are wrong, but nobody else seems to see them and realize that they are. And, honestly, it pisses me off sometimes. That's when I turn to my writing or my painting or my sketching, which are my favorite arts.

Really, this is just a tribute to us--the ones that are creative, and just a bit crazy.

Welcome to the Crypt, everyone!

I leave you now with a question for the comments:
What is your art--writing, painting, photography, or something else?


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Massacres!

Hello all and welcome to....  SUNDAY MASSACRE!

No I'm not going to kill you, calm down!

Today [aka Sunday]  Is the day when we talk about books that either ARE dying out or books that SHOULD die out.  That being taken, this is completely opinionated [unless statistics are brought in].  On that note, if there is a book [or even something else like a type of art work or music genre] you think is dying or you want to die leave a comment and we'll talk about it in the following Sunday Massacre!

This week we're going to talk about:

Harry Potter

Yes that's right the Potter boy.  Now I'm sure your saying in your head: "wait...Harry's back with the last movie!"

True but Harry Potter is a book that if it didn't have movies would be dying fast and hard.  Now don't get me wrong, it's a well writen book!  Really well written -even i was sort of a fan at one time- but still, it got so much hype that it over enflated.  Eventually it just bursed like an over filled balloon.

Now I'm going to go through the ins and outs of why this was a good book and why it's now dead.

Reasons it was good:
  • Magic had kind of died before Harry Potter came out.
  • The 'love triangle' between Harry, Ron, Hermione [p.s. i love how google can fix the spelling of her name like its a real word]
  • The villin that sticks himself on peoples heads really got things rolling.
  • Teens with magic, what a combination.
  • And many many more that i can't think of or that would make this topic way too long.
Now the reasons it is dying [with no mention of other books]
  • Repition.  The people want something new!
  • Poor quality of the movies -in some cases
  • Media making too big a hype of it.
  • The continuation of the series past the accuall story line [aka the wizard fables]
  • Characters just being thrown in there
  • And others...
Any one disagree?  Anything to add or move?  Leave a comment below about YOUR opion on this matter!

Until next week, we'll see you later at the Sunday Massacre!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello all and welcome to the update channel of....Crypt of the Creative network.

anyway, forget the stupid intro and lets move on, shall we?

Right now I am going to post about what's happening on the Crypt! So be ready...... NOW...

  • vs .com -- I have now officially purchased Crypt of the Creative! the site is no longer '' from this point on ward it is '' doesn't that just look easier to type?!
  • Since buying the full rights to my website, I now have a new email address! Email me at: if you need anything!
  • I'm still working on the site's layout and background. Any ideas or colors I should try, comment below please!
  • We have 35 members now! I'm looking for a new moderator -hint hint-
  • The more members we have, the more we can add!
  • For those members in school, we have a school area to talk about homework -and maybe get some answer for it- and everything else that happens in the day! For members out of school, still stop by and help everyone once and a while!
That's it for today! I'll be back next Wednesday for more updates!

Comment below if you have any questions!

Contest Drama

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read this!

Now I don't know what everyone wants to hear about, so please do comment or email me [] so i can figure out what all to write!

Continuing with our title.


We now have three contests up and running for all to join! You don't have to be a member to join either.

Now I do recommend you join the site to join the contest [but then again its my site and I want members so ignore me] but you don't have to if you don't want to, or you can't! How can you do this, you may ask? Simple. Email your submission to me via the email address posted above -don't post in a comment or anything so that your work can't be stolen- and I'll put it with the others to be read and looked into.

At the moment we have three WRITING contests up. If we have the request for art, photographing, or even music/composer contests -via site or comments below- I will be glad to post those up for everyone!

Our contests are as follows:

Writing Prompt - I'll post a prompt up and you must use it [though it can be changed in wording] somewhere in the text unless other wise stated.

Photo Prompt - Here there will be a photo posted and your to make any form of writing come from the photo. It doesn't have to have anything to do with the photo really, just something that popped into your mind.

Lyric Prompt - I'll pick lyrics from a random song and you use them just as a prompt, to form a piece of writing. These do NOT however have to be in the text.

I hope I get many entries! You can enter more than one contest and more than once per contest -so long as it doesn't go past five entries.

Hope to hear from everyone!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Begining

Welcome to the official blog for Crypt of the Creative!

I am SilentxMidnight - Administer of Crypt of the Creative. You guys can call me what ever you like though, I'm not picky!

Feeling like blogs are amazingly fun I've been working on this one for a while. I am hoping to contact wonderful people out there. Meaning I want to get more people to "move into our neighborhood". Crypt of the Creative is a neighborhood of aspiring creative minds. I want to join the world in a new way, a creative way. Everyone has the power to change the world and each person has an ability that we all need.

Crypt of the Creative is growing and growing fast. In order to interested anyone looking at this I'll show you what we have:


These are "Families" or groups that you can join within our community. Joining a family also gives special powers/abilities within certain areas of the site!

I'll be editing this blog AND the site so don't be alarmed! I can't wait to meet you all and i hope you like our site and have fun roaming around here!

If you have any suggestions and or ideas for the site or blog you can always post on the site or email me at :

Thank you for taking the time to read this!
